In today's modern world it can feel nearly impossible to know and honor your true purpose in life. The world of "should's" and pervasive myths about how to create a successful and happy life steer your decision-making and can leave you feeling mystified by why you feel so anxious, stressed out and unfulfilled, despite having done all the "right" things, married the right person, lived in the right house in the right neighborhood, driven the right car to the right schools and job.
The Yogi Life asks you to consciously question why you do what you do, get still enough to listen to the quiet, small voice inside, and hear what it has to say about what you really care about, what truly energizes and excites you, where you really want to spend your precious life force and time on this planet, and what BS you can do with out.
It all starts by letting your spirit guide your hands and letting words flow to paper. What emerges there may surprise, and delight, you. It might scare the living daylights out of you (or more likely your ego) too. And that's a good thing. It means your on the right track and getting close to the truth of who and what you are. You've got to get into that uncomfortable zone, before you can get free of the old stories and constraints that have you living someone else's version of a good life.
The Yogi Life Ignite Your Life: Get Started Course provides you with guiding questions to help you start excavating into the clay of your life and being. Each day you'll also have affirmations and a gratitude practice that will begin to shift negative mindset habits into a more purposeful and grace filled point of view.